

global impact


Central Brazil Mission

Earl and Ruth Ann Haubner have celebrated more than forty years together on the mission field. They live in Goiania which is a capital city in Central Brazil. They are involved in church planting and national leadership training. The work of Central Brazil Mission continues to expand both in their region and in the Amazon. The Amazon Boat Ministry has really been a blessing to the mission.
Central Brazil Mission
Missionaries: Earl and Ruth Haubner
Forwarding Agent: Michael Haubner
P. O. Box 420
McCoy, Virginia 24111
Web Site:

Agape Medical Center

Dr. Bill Becknell, Missionary of the AGAPE Medical Center which was registered in 1993 as a non-commercial (non-profit) Russian medical organization. It’s purpose is to show God’s AGAPE love and provide medicines, medical consultation, and assistance to people in rural Russia that have little or no access to medical care. The need for medical help in the rural areas of Russia is huge, but AGAPE also has programs in and around Moscow with homeless children, soup kitchens, and truck drivers.
Agape Unlimited (Russia)
Missionary: Dr. Bill Becknell
Contact: Cindy DeShan
P.O. Box 50994
Midland, TX 79710-0994
Web Site:

Polish Christian Mission

Titius and Jolanta are Missionaries for Polish Christian Ministries. Their purpose is to establish New Testament churches (and strengthen existing ones) in the country of Poland. This is being accomplished through a multi-faceted ministry of planting churches, underwriting salaries for more than 50 preachers and workers, assisting in the construction/purchase of facilities, children’s ministry, literature, and relief efforts.
Polish Christian Ministries
Missionaries: Garwolin Christian Church
PCM Executive Director: David Hatfield
1212 Schucks Road, Bel Air, Maryland
Web Site:






Two Men Entered: Titus and Philemon

These two men received letters from the apostle Paul


Introduction: There is so much we can learn from the letters which Paul wrote to the early churches that spanned the Roman Empire.  In this series, we are going to look at two letters that Paul wrote to individuals who were serving in these churches.  Titus was serving on the island of Crete and Philemon was a trusted friend of the apostle.  These two men entered into a relationship with the apostle that Paul treasured. 

Sept. 8th             Title: Titus was to appoint godly leaders                    Text: Titus 1:1-16

                       Theme: The church needs to appoint godly leaders


Sept. 15th        Title: Titus was to teach sound doctrine                     Text: Titus 2:1-15

                         Theme: The church needs to teach sound doctrine


Sept. 22nd       Title: Titus was to encourage healthy living             Text: Titus 3:1-15

                          Theme: The church needs to encourage healthy living


Sept. 29th        Title: Philemon was asked to forgive                            Text: Philemon 1:1-25

                          Theme: The church needs to offer true forgiveness


Sunday Morning Worship – Live Event

Begins @ 10:30 AM



Community Day at Town Hall
Bowling 2024 with Tom and Mark getting top scores for two games. 
This year’s Afternoon Tea
Picnic and Pie Contest – how sweet!