The First Act
Acts 1-12
Let’s look at nine traits of a healthy church from the first half of Acts
Introduction: As Jesus prepared to leave the disciples, he spoke about the church that was about to be birthed. This new church would move out from Jerusalem and spread throughout the Roman Empire in less than one hundred years. Today, we are blessed to belong to this church which has the ability to impact lives for the good as we commit to living for Jesus. Let’s consider what the healthy church can do today.
Jan. 5th Title: The Promised Church Text: Acts 1:1-26
Theme: A healthy church has a stated mission to live out
Jan. 12th Title: The Preaching Church Text: Acts 2:1-47
Theme: A healthy church boldly preaches the gospel message
Jan. 19th Title: The Powerful Church Text: Acts 3:1-4:31
Theme: A healthy church impacts people’s lives for the good
Jan. 26th Title: The Pure Church Text: Acts 4:32-5:42
Theme: A healthy church strives to do that which is right no matter what
Theme: A healthy church is willing to adapt when necessary
Feb. 9th Title: The Persevering Church Text: Acts 8:1-40
Theme: A healthy church overcomes challenging times with the Spirit’s help
Feb. 16th Title: The Purposeful Church Text: Acts 9:1-31
Theme: A healthy church enlists people to serve others who are in need
Feb. 23rd Title: The People’s Church Text: Acts 9:32-11:18
Theme: A healthy church welcome people into their fellowship
March 2nd Title: The Praying Church Text: Acts 11:19-12:25
Theme: A healthy church is committed to praying for others
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